Smart Home Energy Management
In addition to solar energy and battery storage, NexGen Solar is proud to offer a variety of Smart Home Energy Monitoring and Management services including Smart Thermostats, Energy Monitoring Devices, Climate Control Sensors, and more.
Smart Home Energy Monitoring

With the Wiser Energy system, you’ll receive alerts on energy usage, home activity and so much more. Homeowners with solar systems can see real-time data of exactly how much energy they’re producing and how much energy they’re using. Because the system can notify you when devices turn on, such as a garage door opening, it plays a valuable role in home security!

How It Works
The Wiser Energy system installs directly in your home’s electrical panel. Using machine learning, the system is able to detect devices within the home – a TV, the furnace, the garage door, or absolutely anything else.
That information is then stored within an app where you can see historical information right alongside your real time usage. The app can also sent you notifications.

Smart Home Benefits
Efficient | Modern | Convenience
Smart thermostats present one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can make to your home energy system. Even entry-level smart thermostats can provide increased savings; however, rebates offered by utility companies make even the most feature-rich smart thermostat a quick and affordable upgrade.
Features of smart thermostats can vary, although most take advantage of sensors and geo-location information to switch to eco-friendly modes when occupants are away. Some modern thermostats even use access to weather reports and room sensors to further maintain efficient temperature management.
Smart home technology not only provides a variety of money-saving techniques but also provide a range of convenient features, like ensuring your home is comfortable just in time for when you arrive or managing the temperature from a remote location.
Smart home products, like smart thermostats, bring amazing energy management features to your home and look good doing it. Modern smart home products are sleek, fit any environment, and often turn off their displays to blend quietly into the wall.
Smart Home Technology
Smart home technology covers a wide range of products that in part or as a cohesive network can improve the energy efficiency and convenience of your home’s energy management. We work with customers to identify areas of improvement from switching to smart bulbs that can be turned off from within an app to complex solutions that incorporate several products together. Linking devices enable variables to change based upon a variety of parameters, including the status of other devices, your location, the weather, and more. With smart home technology, you can set mood lighting at the push of a button in multiple rooms, make sure your coffee pot is off hours after leaving for a trip, or even automatically turn off the lights and open the blinds if the weather report is bright, sunny and above 70 degrees. These features are a great combination of convenience tied to reducing wasteful energy usage.
Navigating and setting up smart home technology can be complicated despite the final product’s ease of use and simplistic graphical user interfaces. That’s why NexGen Solar offers complete smart home energy management services that cover installation, programming, and end user guidance. We’ll put together an arrangement of products to meet your needs, reach their maximum energy savings potential, help you qualify for applicable rebates and guide you through using your smart home products.