There are three primary financial benefits to installing a solar power system on your property.
Reduced or Eliminated Utility Bill: Since solar power allows you to create power from the sun, you can reduce your need to draw power from the utility company. In fact, the cost to install your solar power system using long term financing may create positive cash flow on the difference of your monthly loan payment versus the savings on your utility bills.
Future Price Protection: You’re probably aware that over the years, your energy bills tend to increase and dramatically at that. Installing a solar power system is a single, fixed cost that will continue producing energy from that fixed rate. As energy prices rise, you’ll continue creating the same energy from that initial fixed cost.
Property Value Appreciation: The popularity, efficiency, and financial incentives of a solar power system lead to an increased appeal in the housing market for buyers keen on saving money from lower utility bills while working toward a cleaner environment. On average, homes with solar power systems increase their value by 4-5% compared to similar homes without.